Aug 22, 2012

Take my advice...

Let´s share some fun! 
(This is a renewed version of the older button).
And here is a smaller one for sidebar, copy the code and install it into the HTML/Java Script Gadget:

<a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a>

Aug 17, 2012

stiLL Life...barely...a header

Still Life, barely... ready made header in .jpg format > click image > view image > save image > upload to your blog. 

Aug 16, 2012

Dark Damask Background patterns

The Collection of Dark Damask Patterns for the new Blogger templates. You can download the patterns here. (There is an arrow on the lower right corner of every page to download the file).

1. Download your chosen pattern, or if you like, you can surely download as many you like.
2. To install the background pattern go to "Design" > "Customize" > "Templates"
3. Choose the template, I recommend "Simple"
4. Under the templates is "Background" > Click Background Image > Upload Image > pick the one you saved to your computer.
5. Alignment "up in middle" > "Tile" > and I recommend do not choose "Scroll with page"
6. Then you can choose the widths, layout and on "Advanced" you can choose the other colors. Try different options, it's fun. You can design your own unique look to your blog.
More instructions here.

Aug 11, 2012

Birds and Butterflies backgrounds and headers for new blogger templates

Birds and Butterflies ~ Silver Rust

These blog sets have up-loadable background pattern, one ready made header and DIY-kit with blank header, 2 banners and some other stuff. Mix and match and create an unique look for your blog. These are suitable for new blogger templates (I used Simple-template) and many other blogs and websites.

And here we go, with 3 different color options, choose your favorite!

Aug 10, 2012

Let's share some Kick Ass Attitude!


Let´s share some Kick Ass Attitude! 

And here is a smaller one for sidebar, copy the code and install it into the HTML/Java Script Gadget:

<a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a>

Granny´s Attic + edit.

Granny´s Attic background is for new blogger templates ( but I´m almost sure, that you can use that pattern also with Wordpress and Typepad blogs, if anyone knows, please tell us). Click "read more" for installing instructions.

Aug 9, 2012

DIY Shabby sidebar tags

Do it yourself! This is pretty cool set.  Above are some examples what you can do. The images are already right size for web use (they are too small for crafting and printing, sorry). For your own use on your blogs and websites only.

Below you see what you can get! Download the DIY Shabby Sidebar Tag kit and let your creativity flow!

Download png file here (click the image and there is an arrow on the right lower corner to download the image)

Download PSP file here.

Aug 8, 2012

Striking Stripes Background Patterns

Here is my collection of the Striking Stripes Patterns for the new Blogger templates. You can download the patterns here. (There is an arrow on the lower right corner of every page to download the file).

1. Download your chosen pattern, or if you like, you can surely download as many you like.
2. To install the background pattern go to "Design" > "Customize" > "Templates"
3. Choose the template, I recommend "Simple"
4. Under the templates is "Background" > Click Background Image > Upload Image > pick the one you saved to your computer.
5. Alignment "up in middle" > "Tile" > and I recommend do not choose "Scroll with page"
6. Then you can choose the widths, layout and on "Advanced" you can choose the other colors. Try different options, it's fun. You can design your own unique look to your blog.

More instructions here.

Aug 7, 2012

Polka Dot Pastel Collection + edit.

The Polka Dot Pastel Collection for new Blogger templates. Mix and match with colors and widths.
Above you see all the colors to choose. Pick your favorite! All you have to do is to download the pattern to your computer and then upload it to your blog. You can download the patterns here. Just click your chosen color and there is an arrow on the lower right corner to download the file.

Instructions for uploading the background you can find here.

Here is an other set of polka dots, on white background:

Aug 6, 2012

A new pastel damask collection for the new blogger templates

Yay! Damask lovers, I have good news for you! I´m so excited about this new collection! The best part is, that you can build up your blog as you wish. You can mix and match with background colors and widths. This option is available for the new Blogger templates. This won´t work with the old Minima (sorry about that, but it might be time to change to the new era).

Above you see all the colors to choose. Pick your favorite! All you have to do is to download the pattern to your computer and then upload it to your blog. You can download the patterns here. Just click your chosen color and there is an arrow on the lower right corner to download the file.

Instructions for uploading the background you can find here.

Aug 5, 2012

Keep Calm Shabby and Choose your color!

Let´s share some positivity! Choose your color! You can find the codes below (click "read more"). Just copy the code of your chosen color and add it to HTML/Java Script gadget.

Keep Calm and Blog On and Choose your color!

Let´s share some positivity! Choose your color! You can find the codes below (click "read more"). Just copy the code of your chosen color and add it to HTML/Java Script gadget.

Jul 14, 2012

01 Pink Damask Tape

This background is available only in one size. The center is 1000px wide. For uploading the image to a new blogger templates, you can download the background image here.

If you are still using the Minima template, you find the code by clicking read more.

You can download the matching Ganesha header (950 px wide) here.

This is the beginning of the totally new era

My ladies and gentlemen!

I´m going to launch here a totally new era. Instead of posting the backgrounds and other accessories to their own blogs, I will post everything to this blog only. So for now on, you will find the new backgrounds and stuff here.  And all the new backgrounds will be right size, no matter if you add them with the code or upload them straight to your blog. I will provide both the code and the link to the background image. So you can choose, which way you want to add the background.

Some of the old backgrounds are not the right size for uploading. And I´m not going to change them, at least not all of them. You can always make a wish, if you wanted me to re-size your favorite background good for uploading. I will leave the old stuff on the other blogs as they are for sometime, so you can still explore those and even if I might close those other blogs, don´t worry, you will not loose your background, the codes won´t expire.

Complicated? I know...I try to make this transformation as simple as possible. How? I have no idea yet. By the way, if anyone knows, what would be the ideal file size for uploading, I´d be more than happy to know. If not, the background size will be 1600 x 1100 px.

PS. I am sorry, I haven´t had time to reply to comments and emails. I will empty my email box and try to find time for replying to new comments and emails.

PPS. You can follow the updates to this blog on facebook.

May 18, 2012

Centering the header in Blogger

With some new blogger template the header is not centered, but it's very simple to correct.

Go to Design > Advanced > Add CSS > Paste the code below to Add custom CSS:

.header-outer {

You can adjust the pixel width, depending the size of your header. Try different widths until the header is centered. Lower pixel width moves the header left, larger to right. With the template and the header I've used in this blog, 50 px width looks right.

May 10, 2012

Instructions for uploading the background image part 2

Ok, on the previous post I gave the instructions for uploading the background image, adjusting the widths and choosing the layout. Now we go to advanced...this so exciting...I love this part.

May 9, 2012

Instructions for uploading the background image part 1

With new blogger templates it's much better to uploaded backgrounds, instead of using the background codes in gadgets. I know, this might sound surprising, because I made so long long backgrounds to use with codes. I'm going to add the new backgrounds the way, that you can copy and save to image straight onto your computer, but meanwhile and with the older backgrounds this is what you can do:

You can find the the instructions to upload the background to your blog, instead of adding background code with gadget, by clicking "read more". You can make this change and still use the same background you have chosen. This needs only a little bit effort, but the result is worthy.